Welcome to the Obsolete Computer Museum!



Media Stuff:

Donations: Virtual and Physical

If you have an obsolete computer you would like to add to the museum, send me pictures of the computer along with a description. See existing museum exhibits for the format and style. Send them to:

Tom Carlson
National Center for State Courts
Court Technology Laboratory
300 Newport Avenue
Williamsburg, VA 23185

(I'll return your pictures, too.)

I also accept physical donations of old computers. If it's an appropriate model, and I don't already have one, I'll probably be glad to pick up the shipping costs. Just send e-mail to tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us. Please note that the Obsolete Computer Museum is a private collection, not a non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible. I'm looking into becoming a real non-profit, but it'll be awhile.

Send comments to tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us!
If you have questions about old computers, post them on the Obsolete Computer Helpline rather than sending me e-mail.

Click here for Obsolete Computer Museum-related Web Rings!

Just gimme a damn browser!
